Quiénes Somos

Felipe Zúñiga

  • Ingeniero Agrónomo. Universidad Austral de Chile (2013).
  • Magister en Ciencias del Suelo.

ResearcherID: D-2860-2015

Investigador UACh
Calidad y Funcionamiento de Suelos Volcánicos
  • Dörner, J. Dec. D. Thiers, O. Paulino, L. Zúñiga, F. Valle, S. Martínez, O. Horn, R. (2016) Spatial and temporal variability of physical properties of Aquands under different land uses in southern Chile. Soil Use and Management 32: 411-421.
  • Zúñiga, F., Ivelic, J., López, I., Huygens, D., Dörner, J. (2015). Temporal dynamics of the physical quality of an Andisol under a grazing system subjected to different pasture improvement strategies. Soil & Tillage Research. 145: 233–241.
  • Dörner, J., Zúñiga, F., López, I. (2013). Short-term effects of different pasture improvement treatments on the physical quality of an Andisol. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 13(2): 381-399.
  • Dörner, J., Dec, D., Zúñiga, F., Sandoval, P., Horn, R. (2011). Effect of the land use change on Andosol’s pore functions and their functional resilience after mechanical and hydraulic stresses. Soil & Tillage Research 115-116: 71-79.