Dante Pinochet
- Ingeniero Agrónomo. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (1978).
- Magíster en Ciencias Agropecuarias, mención Fertilidad de Suelos. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (1986).
- Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science (PhD) The Reading University, Inglaterra.
ResearcherID: D-8313-2015
Investigador UACh
Diseño de Sistemas Silvoagropecuarios Sostenibles
(56-63) 2221239 dpinoche@uach.cl
Ingeniero Agrónomo, M. Sc., Ph. D.
Área de especialización: Fertilidad de Suelos.
- Valle R., S., Carrasco, J., Pinochet, D., Soto,P., Mac Donald, R. (2015). Spatial distribution assessment of extractable Al, (NaF) pH and phosphate retention as tests to differentiate among volcanic soils. Catena 127: 17-25
- Huygens, D., Schouppe, J., Roobroeck, D., Alvarez, M., Balocchi, O., Valenzuela, E., Pinochet, D., Boeckx, P. (2011). Drying–rewetting effects on N cycling in grassland soils of varying microbial community composition and management intensity in south central Chile. Applied Soil Ecology (aceptado)
- Sandaña, P., Pinochet, D. (2011). Ecophysiological determinants of biomass and grain yield of wheat under P deficiency. Field Crop Research 120: 311-319.
- Valle R.S., Pinochet, D., Calderini, D. (2011). Uptake, partitioning and use efficiency of N, P, K, Ca and Al by wheat Al-sensitive and Al-tolerant cultivars growing in a wide range of soil Al concentrations. Field Crop Research 121: 392-400.